-Thursday- Cheung Chau <DoDo Food>
This will be highly recommend to those cheese loversss because the shop sell baked cheese seafood (oyster, scallop and lobster). I have bought baked oyster since the smell was so attractive and the size even bigger than my hand. I think it tasted quite good, and you will be so full after you finished whole oyster as there were so many cheese and salad dressing on it.
(Around $35)
They also sell bovine offal ($30) which is the local snack in Hong Kong.
Address:G/F, 81 San Hing Praya Street, Cheung Chau.
If you are INTERESTED, just GO and TRY it, and remember to follow our blog ;D
-星期四- 長洲 <多多美食>
今日會帶大家去長洲食好野, 要介紹幾樣小食比大家,特別推介比鍾情芝士既朋友,個度有焗蠔,帶子同龍蝦.D香味會衝住你同埋佢真係大過你隻手,所以我就走去試左個蠔, 我覺得味道都Okay啦,但係你食完會超級飽因為有好多好多既芝士同沙律醬係面頭...除此之外,其實間舖都有賣埋牛雜架,香港地道小食喎!!!!最後最後就係刨冰喇 睇下張相你就知有幾多隻味啦,夏天食佢真係一流呀!!!! 如果你有興趣,不妨去試下!!!最緊要記住跟實我地個Blog呀;D
Edited by SPD4459 IMPR student : Wong Ka ManPhotos from: https://www.facebook.com
Reference: www.openrice.com